Douglas Devananda, a supporter of the festival : special guest Trisha!

Douglas Devananda, Actress Trisha 's supporters took part in the ceremony kilampiyullatu controversy . Actress Trisha has now gone to Canada . Participates in a ceremony conducted by the Tamil group . They Douglas asks Trisha to act in favor of the persons exposed to other Tamil organizations . At the end of Eelam Tamils ​​of Eelam struggle valuvataintullatu abroad after the war . Because of their struggles, international pressure on the Sri Lankan Government has been met . Undermine the struggles , the Tamil film industry 's weak shed big money . Rajapakse family in various indirect ways to invest their money in the Tamil film industry is accused .  Trisha seems like that now surrounded . Due to the Sinhalese government of Sri Lanka called maruttavartan Trisha remember that .